Der queere Chor

Intensive workshop with young people aged 16-21

stellwerk weimar

Artistic direction Marvin Wittiber

Funding Lokaler Aktionsplan der Stadt Weimar Kooperation QueerWeg Verein für Thüringen e. V., Gedenkstätte Buchenwald, CSD Weimar 

Everything is political. Even silence. The commemoration of queer victims of the Nazi era with a monument and memorial hour in the Bundestag, the appointment of a queer commissioner for the federal government and the passing of the Self-Determination Act should not obscure the fact that readings by drag queens for children are banned in Germany, visitors to CSDs are sometimes fatally attacked and hate crime and violence against queer people in Germany is rising rapidly.

In these ambivalent times, a new generation is growing up: how can one's own desire and identity be discovered, lived out and defended in such a field of tension? What role does the individual play in this? And how can we find a common (political) voice not despite but because of our diversity?

Together with director Marvin Wittiber, you will engage with the chorus of the ancient drama and search for ways and means on stage to understand language and body as a political instrument.

 Lukas Marvin Thum