
by Gian Marco Hölk

Junges Schauspiel Düsseldorf
As part of the pilot project „Freispiel“
World premiere: 20.12.2019

Direction Marvin Wittiber
Dramaturgy Gian Marco Hölk
Stage design and costumes Saskia Holte
Music Malte Fischbach
Theater pedagogical collaboration Paulin Weingart
With Michael Bayen, Finn Cosmo Faust, Nico Kleemann, Lilli Reents, Hannah-Lena Thomé

Funding Jugendfonds Demokratie leben!, AStA der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Jugendrat Düsseldorf 

Welcome to the 21st century. In the age of transparency, technology and an affluent society. In the life of the 19-year-old first-person narrator, who lives alone in a large house by the sea. From his conservatory, he watches the play of the waves. He experiences growing up in a permanent state of intoxication. Behind his smooth, well-staged façade, however, he hides a deep fear of human connection and the feeling of being at the mercy of the world. In his distress, the protagonist clings to a small piece of nature in the middle of his technology-controlled glass house - a bonsai. What begins as a harmless visit from the young piano student Vivien, whom he pays to play, quickly turns into an excessive party in the protagonist's head. Seemingly shaken awake by the figures that have haunted him during his intoxication, the first-person narrator leaves his glass house. However, he realizes that the world has come to a standstill in the meantime. He waits in vain for a train at the station. He meets the rebellious runaway Alex, who unceremoniously invites himself to the protagonist's house for an after-work beer, where a new wave of incidents begins.

Photos Lukas Marvin Thum / The-Duy Hoang